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Yotsuya, Shinjuku

Administrative Law Firm 

​Ogawa Administrative Law Firm (GYOSEISHOSHI)

Preparation of notice of convocation of general meeting of shareholders
Please leave it to our office


Our experts with approximately 16 years of experience in preparing convocation notices for listed companies (narrowly defined convocation notices, business reports, financial statements, and reference documents) will support your company in preparing convocation notices.
I have been involved in preparing convocation notices for three listed companies for about 16 years, and am well versed in how to legally prepare convocation notices. I am particularly confident in the preparation of narrowly defined convocation notices, business reports, and reference documents. Financial documents will be outsourced to our affiliated certified public accountant firm.

​ The expert is an ex outside director of a listed company, a graduate of a US law school, and an IPO support expert.

​Remuneration amount: 3,000$ (excluding tax)

TEL: 090-7702-8565


Reasons why you need to prepare a notice of convocation of a general meeting of shareholders

Holding an ordinary general meeting of shareholders is mandatory for stock companies under the Companies Act, but unlisted companies may not have prepared convocation notices in the first place or have not held an ordinary general meeting of shareholders. .

The business report and financial statements for the business year are finally finalized after the convocation notice is created, sent to shareholders, and reports and resolutions are passed at the regular general meeting of shareholders. If you are a company that has not yet created one, please take this opportunity to consult with us, as it is required under the Companies Act.

Items to be resolved at the general meeting of shareholders

At the general meeting of shareholders, business reports, approval of financial statements, appointment/dismissal of directors, appointment/dismissal of auditors, revision of remuneration amount of directors, revision of remuneration amount of auditors, partial amendment of the articles of incorporation, distribution of surplus , public offering of shares, etc., there are several matters that can only be approved at a general meeting of shareholders. In order to implement these resolutions at a general meeting of shareholders, a convocation notice must first be prepared.

Why do we need experts?

In order to legally prepare this notice of convocation, deep knowledge and experience in corporate law is essential. Additionally, the Company Law has been subject to frequent revisions in recent years, such as once every few years, and unless you are an expert who prepares convocation notices for listed companies every year, it is difficult to keep up with the latest information. Is difficult. Against this backdrop, our office's administrative scriveners have been involved in issuing convocation notices for listed companies for approximately 15 years. I think it is rare to find an expert with such long experience. For financial statements, we partner with a certified public accountant firm that also has extensive experience in preparing convocation notices, so you can rest assured about this as well. If you are a listed or unlisted company and are having trouble preparing a shareholder meeting convocation notice, narrowly defined convocation notice, business report, financial statements, or reference documents, please feel free to contact our office. please.

​Remuneration amount: 300,000 yen (excluding tax)

TEL: 090-7702-8565


Ogawa Administrative Law Firm (GYOSEISHOSHI): 2-14-328, Yotsuya Saneicho, Shinjuku, Tokyo

​Business hours: Weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

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